News of the Positive Variety

A couple of lovely things have happened lately. I’m very pleased to confirm that Aurealis is taking my story Clean Hands, Dirty Hands! They’re currently on a quest to be considered a professional market by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, so if you have a spare $19.99 burning a hole in your pocket, you can subscribe and receive 10 whole issues of spectacularly good fiction. And one of them will have my story in it! And also, it might help me out for SFWA membership in the future, so everyone wins, really. 

In other news, my horror story The Box Wife is set to appear in Shock Totem #9. I’m thrilled to have found such a wonderful home for this one, as it is… well, I guess you could call it “unusual”. I’m quite sure that it is the most disturbing thing I have ever written. I can’t wait for this to hit the shelves. The cover art for Shock Totem (by the exceptionally talented Mikio Murakami) is always completely and utterly drool-worthy and the stories are top notch. 

I should also mention that I had a blast at GenreCon in October this year. The State Library of Queensland has got to be the most impressive modern library I’ve ever seen. It is stunning. My partner in crime Eliza Rose and I met some wonderful people over the weekend (you’re all awesome!) and, let’s face it, pretty much kidnapped the hilarious and dirty Chuck Wendig. Go read his books, that’s an order. I’d like to thank Kate Cuthbert for introducing us to the cool kids and also huge thanks to Alex Adsett, Patrick O’DuffyNarrelle Harris, Imelda Evans, Kathryn Fox and Cat Sparks for being lovely and welcoming to this little newbie. We also did karaoke, which we will never speak of again (hot tip – don’t do rap).

I’m currently slogging through a novel this month, which is going more slowly than I would like, but faster than anything else I’ve done this year. So I guess I’d call that a win. Other than that, I am wishing fervently for a time-turner so that I have a chance to edit a couple of short stories that I’ve been working on lately. TOO MANY THINGS TO WRITE. 

November be crazy. Whew.