QDSF: So Say We All

Lightspeed Magazine have recently launched their Kickstarter for Queers Destroy Science Fiction, and hey, they hit their target already! Amazing!

Today’s personal essay is one from me (you can read it here, without needing to back the project!)

I’m so delighted and happy to have been asked to contribute an essay. I hope that you enjoy reading it and that you choose support such an important initiative!

Award Season!

I thought I’d do a round-up post on the work of mine that is eligible for awards this year. It’s nice to see a whole lot more runs on the board than in 2013 (I think it was just some flash?).

So! I’m eligible for the Campbell Award for Best New Writer, as well as the Hugos and Nebulas (ahahaha, yeah. If that happens, I’ll eat my hat.) In terms of local stuff, my stories are eligible for the Ditmar and Chronos awards, too.

My poem ‘Crashdown’ that appeared in Apex 60 is also eligible for the Rhysling award for poetry for 2015. Hurrah!

Stories are as follows:

The Box Wife – Horror short story at Shock Totem: Curious Tales of the Macabre and Twisted

– Zip – SF short story at Bastion Science Fiction Magazine

Clean Hands, Dirty Hands – Historical fantasy short story at Aurealis Science Fiction and Fantasy. This story was given a three star rating on the Tangent Recommended Reading list!

Please feel free to mention your eligible work in the comments! I will also post some of my favourites of the year very shortly.

Good luck to everyone!