Clarion West Class of 2016!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be a member of the Clarion West class of 2016! I can hardly believe I’m writing these words. You may know that I’ve been trying to get into Clarion for a long time – six years, to be precise. 

I received the top-tier rejection from Clarion West at least five of those times, and made the wait list for Clarion UCSD once. Every time that I got the rejection emails, I was crushed. I put so much hard work and emotional energy into my applications, and to be knocked back time and time again was so hard. 

You know what, though? I’m nearly certain that I wouldn’t have made it in this year if I hadn’t tried all of those other times. Every single application was a step closer to this one. Every story I wrote helped me to get better at some aspect of the craft, and each round of applications introduced me to scores of other hopefuls who have gone on to get in (or not, yet) and to kick arse and take names in the SFF community. I don’t begrudge the previous applications for a second. 

I guess this year was just my year?

If you’re reading this and you weren’t lucky enough to score a place this year – I am sorry. I’ve cried those tears, and I’ve felt that heartsick ache when new classes shout out their acceptances. Last year I had to physically leave my work to go sit in a park so I could messily cry for about an hour (although a lovely stranger did come to see if I was OK, so there’s proof that kindness still exists in the world). If you didn’t make it, I hope that you try next year, and again until you make it. It’s not silly or ridiculous to keep trying. KEEP TRYING. I hope with all of my heart that you make it someday, and I am always available for cheerleading and support if you want to reach out. 

I also want to thank everyone who ever commiserated with me, and everyone who kindly reached out to me when I announced my rejections. Thank you to everyone who ever read and/or critiqued my work. A special thank you to Clarion instructors and students  past and present, who have been so supportive and encouraging when I’ve talked over my desire to attend. Thank you to all of the writers and editors and agents out there who make up this awesome community, and who have cheered me on. Thanks to the Melbourne Clarion hopefuls (Sofie Bird in particular) for taking this journey with me, and for the tequila shots. Thanks to my friends and family for always supporting me, and for understanding that sometimes I need to go and write. Thanks to the UCSD Class of ’13, who have been so warm and lovely and wonderful. 

And thank you to Eliza Tiernan, my darling love, whom I met trying to get into Clarion, who has been there and loved me, and who keeps refusing to read new drafts until I take the last round of critique seriously and actually put in more dialogue. 

I made it. I MADE IT. 

Up and Coming: Stories by the 2016 Campbell-Eligible Authors

In the wild, now! You can download for free (during March only) at Bad Menagerie (or one of the mirror sites) right here

Cover by Holly Heisey

First up, let me profusely thank SL Huang and Kurt Hunt and the many people working behind the scenes on this astounding anthology.

I’m thrilled that the following stories of mine are included in the anthology, all of them appearing for the first time without a paywall:

– The Box Wife – Horror short story first out at Shock Totem: Curious Tales of the Macabre and Twisted (October, 2014) 

“The Box Wife” will also appear in the Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2014 and is forthcoming at PseudoPod.

– Zip – SF short story at Bastion Science Fiction Magazine (August 2014)

– Clean Hands, Dirty Hands – Historical fantasy short story at Aurealis Science Fiction and Fantasy (June 2014)

There are also many fantastic stories from rising stars in the SF community today. Over a million words of stories! 

I very much hope that you enjoy.